
Pickleball Pro's Secret For Fast Hands At The Net

Pickleball Pro's Secret For Fast Hands At The Net

To be a strong and dynamic pickleball player, you need fast hands, especially at the net. But you don’t get those fast hands by accident. Also, it’s not like you’re just born with them. Instead, reacting, being in the right position, and anticipating each shot are the keys to volleying with the best of them.

Oh, and it takes lots of practice. Recently, we watched this video from John Cincola Pickleball, and we wanted to break down a pro’s secret for fast hands at the net.

J.W. Johnson

When it comes to hand speed on the pickleball pro tour, perhaps no one has faster hands than J.W. Johnson. In the video, Coach John shows Johnson's highlights in recent matches. The first point he makes is to discuss J.W.’s weight distribution and balance. 

When volleying quickly, it’s rarely about hitting a shot once but hitting the shot multiple times in a row. A volley rarely ends after one or two hits (otherwise, it wouldn’t be called a volley). The key to being in a perfect striking position and keeping your hands fast is to have your weight distributed correctly and your body balanced.

Weight Distribution

When you’re at the net and volleying, you’re sending your body forward to hit the ball, but then it has to be ready for that ball to come right back to you. Keeping your weight evenly distributed on both sides (left and right feet) and slightly forward (so that you are more on the balls of your feet rather than on your heels) is the perfect way to distribute your weight and be prepared for shots.


When we talk about balance, we’re talking about not leaving your body in a position that forces you not to be able to react to all sides of your body. If you’re leaning left, it will be difficult to go back right. If you’re too back, recovering in the front is a challenge. By keeping yourself balanced, you can be ready for anything that comes right back at you, even as you make contact with the ball.

You can see this in action with even more detail at the 2:13 mark of the video.

Practicing Your Hand Speed

Here at Pickleball University, we talk a lot about practicing to improve your play. While practicing alone is never going to make you the best, it is what separates the best from the not-so-great players. Often, you see players practicing serves or third shots. But rarely do you see two players standing at the NVZ line and practicing quick volleys back and forth. If you want fast hands, you must practice this way. 

Even if you don’t have a partner to do this with, you can find a wall to hit the ball against to practice on your own. It’s really simple to do. Stand at the kitchen line (or measure how far from the wall you would be doing it yourself) and try not to let the ball get past you or hit the ground. At first, this will be difficult, but soon, you will get the hang of using your hands, feet, and body to stay balanced and keep that ball up.

Get some really detailed tips for how you can practice better around the 4:45 mark of the video.

The 3 key thoughts when you’re at the NVZ line are:

  1. Create better balance awareness

  2. Keep your head still

  3. Have a short, compact swing

Remember, first hands aren’t born; they’re made. By understanding your body and keeping it in control, you’ll be well on your way to winning more volleys and dominating your pickleball matches.

To watch the entire video from John Cincola Pickleball, check it out here.

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