
To Lob or Not To Lob in Pickleball

To Lob or Not To Lob in Pickleball

I think the lob shot may be the most underutilized shot in all of pickleball. Even I'm guilty of almost never attempting this shot. However, it can be a great way to catch your opponent off guard and reset, or even better, win a point. If you get stuck in a stalemate, a lob can be a clever way to win a point.  

What is a lob shot in Pickleball? 

The lob shot is a great shot to catch your opponent off guard or to reset the pace of a point. The goal of the lob shot is to lob the ball over your opponents head and land towards the back line, causing them to retreat to get it. Be careful when performing a lob shot, because if you hit it too low or short, you risk getting the ball smashed right back at you. 

Why should you lob in Pickleball? 

The lob is a perfect way to catch your opponents off guard and allow you some time to reset. Most teams won't expect a lob if you throw it in every once in a while and if you place it well, they won't be able to get back for an easy point. But even if they do get back to the ball and return it, a lob can be the perfect shot to give you time to reset and get back to the net if you're stuck on your heels. Tossing it in every once in a while can be a perfect way to take control of a point.  

How do you successfully lob in Pickleball? 

Even though the lob has a lot of benefits, it can also be a dangerous shot. If you're playing quicker or taller players, it can be easy for them to return the shot with a spike if you don't place it high enough. It's also easy for the ball to go out of bounds, since your goal is to place it as close to the base line as possible. A little too much power, or a gust of wind, and your bail will sail straight out of bounds. 

So how can you get the lob shot right? The main goal is to lob the ball high enough to get over your opponents and give you time to get back in position. To practice getting this shot right, start at the edge of the non-volley zone with a partner on the other side of the net. Work on hitting the ball high over your opponent and towards the base line. This is a shot that takes a lot of repetition to get right, and even then, can be difficult to hit.  

The dangers of lobbing 

While the lob shot can be an effective tool, it can also put you in a bad position if you miscalculate even just a little bit. So, in general, it's best to save this shot for when you're prepared and can deliver it accurately. Otherwise, you may want to try something else like a drop shot or even a drive. If you hit a lob even just an inch too low, you've set up your opponent perfectly to slam the ball right back at you and lose the point. That's why it's important to get enough height on the ball, especially if you are against tall opponents.  

Another tough time to hit a lob shot is when it's windy out. If you leave the ball in the air, it can get carried out by even the slightest of gusts. I've also found that the lob shot is a lot less effective against more athletic players who can run to the back line easier.  

What if someone lobs at you?  

Now what if you're at the other end of a lob shot? You're in the middle of a match and your opponent sends the ball high above your head and you have no chance of reaching it. You hope that it flies out, but you know that it just might stay in at the back line. So, what happens when someone lobs the ball right back at you? 

As mentioned, it's a great shot to have and that's because it can be difficult to play against, especially if you're not ready for it to be hit. So the first step to returning the lob, is to be ready for it. It can be easy to be lulled into a sense of complacency when you are stuck in a dink rally, but an experienced player may try to change things up and hit a lob, so you always gotta be ready. Even before your opponent lobs the ball at you, your and your partner should communicate who will get back in case it happens. For the most part, you should have time to get into a position to return the ball. 

Once the lob comes, you gotta run back and get into a position to return the ball. In most cases, you'll want to hit a drop shot so that your opponents can't smash the ball back at you. If you hit this right, then you'll be able to get back to the net and back to dinking. Just try not to get caught off guard when someone tries this on you. 

And if they hit the ball too low, just smash it back at them for an easy point. Another nice thing about the lob being done against you, is that it's a tough shot, so if it's done wrong, you have an easy opportunity to score.  


The lob shot is something you need to practice at to get right, like most things. However, once you do, you can mix it into your repertoire and have another skill in your back pocket. Just remember not to use it too much and to practice patience. And if someone ever tries it on you, be ready to get back and hit a quick drop shot.  

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