
3.0 to 4.0+ Faster With This Pickleball Trick

3.0 to 4.0+ Faster With This Pickleball Trick

Today’s article and this video from PrimeTime Pickleball will answer this question:

Is there something that we can add to our game that we’re currently not doing which can assist us in getting to the next level?

The short answer is yes. The long answer is precisely what the rest of this article is about. Let’s get to it.

Shore Up Your Weaknesses

Pretty much every pickleball player in the world has a weaker part of their game. Perhaps a player has a weak backhand, and so they decide to run around every shot so they can hit with their forehand instead. Perhaps a player isn’t very good at drop shots, so they only use third-shot drives. Whatever it is, many players will adjust their game to avoid exposing the parts of it they are weaker in.

If you want to advance your game and go up in your pickleball level, one of the best things you can do is shore up the weaker parts of your game. And the only way to do this is by not avoiding them during games or practices.

Let’s say you deem your backhand to be weak. Instead of moving to avoid it during your next game, tell yourself that you will use your backhand anyway. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to force backhand shots or never use your forehand. It just means that when it’s clear that a backhand shot would be best, you will hit it.

Will you make some mistakes? Of course. But you should also be able to hit some good shots and ultimately improve (even just a little) for your next match.

Running from our weaknesses means that they will never get stronger. And if your bucket is full of holes, leaking water all over the place, then you might as well kiss the idea of moving up in ranks goodbye.

Play Against Different Opponents

Another way we can improve our game is to battle it out against different opponents. When you play against the same person or people every match, you will begin to notice patterns and develop a game designed only to beat that specific person. When you face off against someone you don’t know as well or play a team that’s better competition, holes in your game may be uncovered. This can lead to frustration and destroy your confidence on the court.

By playing different teams regularly, you can build a more well-rounded game and get a true understanding of what your skill level actually is.

Play With Two Good Wings

For most players, the backhand is the weaker shot in their game. And it will likely stay that way throughout most of their pickleball career. However, having a weaker backhand doesn’t mean that your overall game has to be poor. Your backhand doesn’t have to be as good as your forehand. It just needs not to be a liability. Instead of one good wing (your forehand), you want to make sure that you have two good wings when you play.

Every once in a while, when you’re playing in a game, purposefully use as many backhand shots as you can. This will mean getting into a position that foregoes your forehand and instead uses your backhand to hit the ball. It will likely feel awkward, and you may not do well during the match. But that’s not the point. The goal is simply to become more familiar with your backhand shot and work hard to improve it.

After a few of these matches, you should see progress, and you’ll be well on your way to having two good wings when you play pickleball.

Develop a Better Soft Game

The next part of your game you’ll want to improve if you want to advance in levels is to develop a better soft game. These are your dinks, drops, blocks, and resets. Similar to the advice above, to practice these shots during games, make it a point to only return soft shots. Don’t drive the ball. Don’t go for winners. Only focus on hitting the ball softly and creating a low contact point for your opponent. The best way to try and win these games is to force your opponent to make errors. Your only focus is control, placement, and softness–not the score.

For more information on these tips and to see the full video, check out PrimeTime Pickleball on YouTube. Hit subscribe while you’re there. Also, keep checking out Pickleball University to discover ways to level up your game.

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